HypnoCast Trademark

Gordon Goodman’s HypnoCast© trademark is on the majority of his products that combine media and education. Some of the first projects were short 1-minute HypnoBlasts for phones that could be played at different points during the day. HypnoCast also produces educational products in many forms and was involved in creating graphics for a number of pitches for Television game shows. HypnoCast is a division of Nuwerks publishing. While NuWerks is the parent company, a number of books and their audio counterparts are published under the HypnoCast trademark. 

In some cases, HypnoBlasts utilize latent learning and have so far been produced for smoking cessation, stress reduction, and weightloss. There are plans for additional HypnoBlasts covering conditions like chronic pain, depression, and confidence.

Most of the time, the way our body is subject to our unique individual autonomic nervous system –  the part of us that works below the surface – unconsciously. By viewing quick, one-minute HypnoBlasts, you theoretically make what was unconscious – conscious. At the same time, you are bypassing critical thought, repeatedly giving your unconscious new instructions.

The trademark, HypnoCast© is also on a number of books for children. Dr. Goodman is particularly interested in the use of fables to increase levels of emotional intelligence by anthropomorphizing animals. He believes this avenue may be the most efficient way to increase our own humanity.

HypnoCast is also a publisher of Dr. Goodman’s book on stagefright – which is based on data from the largest study in the world at the time of professional performers and performance anxiety.

HypnoCast has been instrumental in producing the audio/visual versions of all of these products.

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