Course Construction Psychology - Sociology - Child Development

What motivates us? What makes us keep moving in spite of obstacles? There are many answers to this, but mostly, it’s believing it’s possible. We humans run on hope. When we are deluded into the belief that there is no hope – nothing works right anymore. Our world becomes smaller and smaller until it becomes a vacuum. What teaching undergraduate and graduate students has taught me is how hope can be rekindled in seconds. With graduate coaching students – that is the major goal – teaching them how to rekindle hope in others.

Below is a gameboard I designed for for a course in psychology. We owe it to students to gamify as much as possible. 

In fact, gamifying life is an ideal.

Videos on zoom are pretty boring. Many times I create lectures and let an animated character do the lecturing.

Attention is the whole ballgame when it comes to learning. How can attention be gathered and used to create learning. I have a series of films talking about psychological conditions using old films and/or cartoons.

These are just two of the many instructional films I’ve created for students using existing media. In a way, it’s like repurposing older media for new prosocial or educational purposes.

Comedy is a great communicative device for the distribution of information. This depicts the fact that the smarter we get, the less we tolerate. Today’s media creation tools make it possible to create more and more interesting assets in a fraction of the time it once took. Because movement is associated with food or danger, movement will always attract our attention. We can use that  fact to gain attention and insert information.

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